Author: Shae Z

As a dedicated online privacy journalist, Shae Z is committed to informing the public about the latest developments and issues related to privacy in the digital age. With a background in journalism and technology, [Author's Name] has covered a wide range of topics related to online privacy, including data breaches, government surveillance, internet censorship, and the use of personal data by companies.

The List That Will Make You Cringe! One of the most popular passwords used by CEOs is “password,” followed by other basic and readily guessable versions such as “123456,” “qwerty”, and “admin”. These passwords are simple to remember, and they’re also easy for hackers to crack using brute force attacks or other password-cracking techniques. In reality, these passwords have remained at the top of the annual list of the most regularly used passwords for years, and security experts caution against using them. According to one survey, mythical creatures and animals are among the top passwords broken in data breaches as…

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